Sunday, June 21, 2009


The last time I wrote was in Eugene, OR while hanging out with a guy named Chris. What a time! After another fun night Friday, we went down to the saturday market in downtown Eugene. There were stands full of produce, homemade goods, and tons of random stuff that you would expect to find at a street market in Eugene. Chris and I were both on bikes and had to fight the mob of people there. I had an especially hard time as my bike was loaded with all of my stuff. I had hoped to pick up some fresh veggies or fruit, since my diet is mainly oatmeal, peanut butter, tortillas, and granola, but a few minutes in the market killed that craving and I went on my way. I was disappointed to say bye to chris but I bet I will see him again.

Saturday I picked up 58 miles and nearly 1000ft before stopping in Blue River, just outside of Mckenzie pass. The ride wasn't bad, boring as usual, but easy enough. Speaking with some friends shortly after arriving really boosted moral around the camp, especially after eating a 6 serving box of red beans and rice with tortillas and still being hungry. I can eat as much as I want...I am never full! At the camp, I was thrilled to speak with the ranger of the Willamette National Forest. He told me some cool waterfalls to check out on my rides in the next few days and informed me that the route on my maps was closed and instead I would be taking a detour which added 20 miles and had steeper grades. This helped me to fall asleep earlier than usual.

I woke up in a rain storm and did my best to make a good breakfast and shake the water off of my tent before packing it away. The ride was going to be at least 60 miles to Sisters, OR and a climb of 4000ft in 12 miles. To make things more interesting, there wasn't a campground or place to fill up water for 50 miles of them. As a result I carried and extra 3 liters of water/almost 10lbs.

The ride wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I rode about 30 miles in, was feeling strong still and had a lot of energy left. Then I saw the actual pass. Santiam Pass has 3 consecutive peaks that you climb roughly 800ft to reach. Each climb adding to the previous. The final climb is almost is accounts for the rest until you reach the summit at 4800ft. After the final climb I was ready to quit, but I still had 20 miles to a town. Along the ride, I was elated to meet the first couple bikers I have seen this trip who are also riding the Trans-Am. Gabe is the first guy I met. He is 22 still in school at OSU and he is doing his first tour with a friend, Clayton, who I would meet later in the day in Sisters,OR. Gabe and Clayton were riding together, but Clayton apparently didn't feel like riding with Gabe and started riding this morning before Gabe woke up. After hanging with Gabe for awhile, I took off and started putting some serious miles behind me. By the time I reached sisters, I had caught up to Clayton. They were riding for Bend, OR but weren't sure if they would make it. I will probably bump into them again soon. Also, increased alone time on the bike has resulted in me talking and singing to myself as well as laughing hysterically at things that are in no way humorous, such as signs that say "Elk" or "Deer". Oregon does have other signs that are funny though. Today I saw a sign that said "Three finger Jack. Left 1/4 mile".

From Sisters, I continued riding highway 126 until I arrived in Redmond,OR with high spirits and hopes of finding a grocery store. Redmond happens to be the last name of a good friend of mine, Kathryn. I took pictures of everything that said Redmond on it and am also going to send her family so travel brochures on the area. A well known fact about the Redmonds is that they love wine. So, being that I was in their town, I picked up a nice bottle of wine while at the grocery store. It was mine after just 2 easy payments of $1...that's how you know its good! I have retired for the night, with my wine, at the Redmond Inn. I was able to cook a meal on a real stove in the full kitchen in my room and have a spectacular view of highway 97 and an ice machine just outside my door.

Total for the day was 82 miles, second longest yet. I have my sights set on Mitchell for tomorrow. In the mean time, I'm going to do my laundry in the tub, drink some wine, and maybe go down to the pool...NAKED! Jk



  1. Marcus!!! Kat finally gave us the link to your blog, so the Redmond clan is following your trip. I know that street market in Eugene you went to...great place to go if you're looking for pipes, or drugs, or pipes used for smoking drugs...Eugene is an "interesting" place, and on the weekends the town empties cus everyone disappears into the woods to eat drugs and not take showers...I'm told its a fun place, but that wasn't exactly my experience... Anyways, you keep on trucking man, and hopefully we'll be able to arrange to meet up with you at the finish line!

    PS - one bottle of wine? Cmon man, you know the Redmond girls don't stop till they've got purple teeth!

  2. Swimming naked? sounds like aunt Janey's
