Thursday, June 18, 2009

Longest day yet


Yesterday was one hell of a day! I stayed in Netarts for an extra day, killing my average for the week but giving me the energy i needed to get through today. I started off the ride with Ed to see how he was doing and to make sure he was alright to ride. He rode with me for the first 10 miles and up what was to be the worst hill of the day. At the top, I left Ed and began riding a lot faster with my destination being Grand Ronde, OR. I was sad to leave Ed, but I think I might see him later in the trip along the Northern Tier. I was cruising pretty fast all day long until just after lunch.

For lunch I stopped in Neskowin and had the usual peanut butter tortillas with granola. In addition I ate, an apple, banana, 3 tootsie rolls, a pack of powdered donuts and about 2 liters of water (a mistake because I had to stop an pee about 5 times). The day was long and dragging on, but I finally reached Grand Ronde and was disappointed to find that the campground was a field beside an RV/Mobile home park. It was just down the street from the local Indian reservation and casino. After calling around and speaking with my Dad who was looking things up for me, I continued on to Rickreall. Total miles on the day were 91. I was one hell of a day.

In Rickreall, I settled at the Polk County Fairgrounds. It was a much nicer camp site even though I was the only camping there last night. I had almost a pound of spaghetti, this time with real sauce, and some tuna for dinner. I was feeling just fine, but was a bit sore when I woke up. Today I will be heading for Eugene. Home to the University of Oregon and Nike. Yesterday while riding, I heard about a site called It is a database of people willing to host touring cyclists. I am going to test it out tonight if I can find someone to host me in Eugene. As I type this, I am in the Corvallis Public Library on a 15 minute limit computer...type fast. I will add more tonight, but need to get going time is almost up.

Thank you to everyone who is reading this and for all of your support! It really does help to know you are all behind me!



  1. Marcus,

    I am enjoying reading your journal and following the trek. Keep up the pace and your spirits and we are looking forward to seeing you in July at Cathy's wedding. The stop sign/eyebrow line made me laugh out loud! The apple didn't fall far from the tree.

    Take care, stay rested and be careful.

    Love, Uncle Mike

  2. Your blog happily fills some of my less than busy life. Your humor shines though in your writing. I have been thinking about Klaus and Esteban the ducks lately. I plan on writing an email blog to you know who on the secret whink whink. Type to you later.

    best wishes,


  3. Marcus ya esta aqui con la copa la copa en la mano!!!!ahahahha!!!you have to show this song to everybody!!!!
    I have seen that your trip is going well!!!i am very happy for that!!!Here in Spain we are already waiting for you!!!!
    Be safe Marcussss!!!!!
