Monday, August 3, 2009

Leaving Town


Just before leaving for the train station today I went to the grocery store with my mother to pick up some food for the trip. Though I did not even fill a single basket, it was still more food than I wanted to carry, and less than I would like to have on hand. Not being able to carry more than two days worth of food makes me nervous and realizing this made me a bit tense the rest of the morning.
The ride to the train seemed very long. I was anxious and nervous and wanted to get on the train asap. Checking in at the station was a breeze. The box that I packed my bike up in was so large that I only had to take the handlebars off. This will make things much easier once I arrive in portland.
Waiting to board the train I had a cup of coffee and a hamburger with my parents, eager to see where and who I would be sitting with for the next two days. After leaving the food court we went down to the gate. At the gate waiting with us were roughly 15 Amish. I was hoping I would get the chance to sit and talk with a couple of them at some point, hasn't happened yet but I'm still hopeful.
I boarded in car 2715 and was suprised that I was one of the first, especially after waiting in line for such a long time. I picked seat 57, a window seat with noone beside me. There are two girls my age across the aisle from me and a couple in front of me that look like they are coming from, or on there way to a commune. All four of them have had their headphones on since just after we started moving with...that's almost 2 hours straight!!! Other than them there are a few older couples in the back of the car. I haven't found the Amish... yet. I bet they're in the bar car!
I have spent the past hour or so reading "Life of Pi" which I am convinced has the slowest start to any book I have ever read. As a result, I have turned to the crackberry to update this page. It looks like it will be a long ride

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